
What is CTC? CTC is an evidence-based process that uses community collaboration to address the health concerns affecting youth. The five-phase system is designed for sustainability and targets predictors of problems rather than waiting until problems occur.
How does CTC work? CTC communities identify prevention priorities through available data. This gives each community the flexibility to address their unique needs and implement proven Strategies to address gaps in services and align community-wide programming.
For more information: http://www.communitiesthatcare.net/

CTC Research &, Results


CTC was tested in a randomized controlled trial in 24 communities across 7 states. After 4 years, CTC communities reported significantly fewer health and behavior problems among youth than control communities. CTC community youth were less likely to:

  • engage in violent behavior. 
  • initiate delinquent behavior.
  • initiate the use of alcohol.
  • initiate cigarette use.

CTC has also been shown to be economically beneficial. For every dollar spent on CTC, $5.30 is returned in the form of lower criminal justice system, crime victim, and health care costs.2 'Hawkins, J. David, Oesterle, Sabrina, Brown, Eric C., Abbott, Robert D., &, Catalano, Richard F. (2014). Youth problem behaviors 8 years after implementing the Communities That Care prevention system. A community randomized trial. JAMA Pediatrics, 168(2), 122-129. 'Kuklinski, M. R., Briney, J. S., Hawkins, J. D., &, Catalano, R. F. (in press) Cost-benefit analysis of Communities That Care outcomes at eighth grade. Prevention Science, online first Nov 23, 2011; DOI: 10.1007/s11121-011-0269-9.

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Social Development Strategy
Providing young people with opportunities, skills and recognition strengthens bonding with family, school and community.
Strong bonds motivate young people to adopt healthy standards of behavior.
What are the Benefits?

  • CTC provides strategic consultation, training and research-based tools to help our community work together to promote the positive development of youth and prevent adolescent problem behaviors.
  • CTC involves all members of the community in promoting and using the social development strategy.
  • CTC identifies problematic levels of risk and protective factors and prioritizes the factors for improvement.
  • For every dollar invested in CTC, $5.30 is returned in the form of lower criminal justice system, crime victim, and health care costs, and increased earnings and tax revenues.

CTC results in healthier communities that help children grow up with more hope, opportunity, and better outcomes. In a random controlled trial 24 communities, CTC significantly prevented the initiation of problem behaviors in 8th grade youth.  CTC youth were.

  • 33% less likely to start smoking cigarettes.
  • 32% less likely to start drinking.
  • 24% less likely to start engaging in delinquency.

For More information, contact:


Bobbie Pack 
719-346-7158 ext 414
