KCC Dispatch

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When To Use 9-1-1 

​9-1-1 should only be used when a true emergency exists. A true emergency is when immediate police, fire and/or medical response is needed. Some basic examples of true emergencies are when life and/or property are in immediate danger, when a crime is in progress or has just occurred, or when someone needs an ambulance.

​For non-emergency situations, the communications center should be called by using the ten-digit phone number  (719-346-9325).

​When a 9-1-1 call is received, the dispatcher answering the call must be told the location and nature of the emergency. Additionally, emergency responders require a detailed description of the emergency; as well as the name, address and phone number of the person calling 9-1-1.

​If the emergency requires an ambulance, the dispatcher will also ask several important medical questions. The ambulance and fire department response to the emergency is based on the answers provided by the caller. Dispatchers will always need to know if the person needing the ambulance is conscious and if they are breathing. Once the reason for the ambulance is ascertained, more specific questions will be asked. While the ambulance is on the way, the dispatcher may also be able to provide critical pre-arrival instructions, such as CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) or how to deliver a baby. Kit Carson County Communications utilizes the Emergency Medical Priority Dispatch System, developed by Priority Dispatch Corporation. This system is constantly being researched, validated, and updated when necessary.

text 911

Text-to-911 available in Kit Carson County
Citizens and visitors within Kit Carson County can now Text-to-911. Text-to-911 is the ability to send a text message to reach 911 emergency call takers from your mobile phone or device. However, because voice calls to 911 provide more information to 911 call centers, you should always make a voice call to 911 during an emergency whenever possible. A text message may take longer to retrieve information from the caller and could delay emergency services. Text-to-911 might not be available in all Counties or States.  When sending a Text-to-911, you send a text just like you normally would just dial 911 instead of a number or one of your contacts. Then type your message, keep your messages brief. Please include your exact location and nature of the emergency. Do not text photos, videos, slang or abbreviations. If you are in a dangerous situation, remember to silence your phone.

Dispatch - 911



"Dispatchers tell cops where to go."

kcc dispatch