If you need to register as a sex offender, please download the form and come to the Kit Carson County Sheriff's Office to complete your registration.
- Download sex offender form. CLICK HERE
Kit Carson County Sheriff Forms.
Download the appropriate form for information and to start the process.
Body Worn Camera Request. CLICK HERE
- Records Request. CLICK HERE
- Concealed Weapons Download our concealed weapons packet for information, fees and to start the application process.
- Download our eviction packet for information and to start the application process. CLICK HERE
- Civil Process Click on the below for our civil process information and fees. PROCESS CLICK HERE FEES CLICK HERE
- Would you like to see what we do? Download the application for a ride along. CLICK HERE
- Going on vacation? Let us know and we will do extra patrols around your house. CLICK HERE
- Need to file a report? To save time you can now download our statement form. CLICK HERE
- Voluntary Statement Form. CLICK HERE
- Prescription Drug Disposal. CLICK HERE
Kit Carson County Sheriff Policies.
- Authority and Jurisdiction. CLICK HERE
- Contractual Agreement. CLICK HERE
- KKC Sheriff policy and Procedure Manual. CLICK HERE
- Portable Audio and Video Recorders. CLICK HERE
- Rank Structure and responsibility. CLICK HERE
- Records Retention Schedule. CLICK HERE
- Sheriff's Succession. CLICK HERE