Veterans Service Officer - Travis Gale
1650 Donelan Burlington CO 80807 PO box 160
Office Phone: (719) 343-0595
The Veterans Service Officer has Most Veterans Administration Application Forms on hand and can help with these questions and many more.
- Requests for Copies of Military Discharges
- Requests for Home Loan Eligibility
- Requests for Service-Connected Compensation
- Requests for Veterans Administration Pension
- Requests for Veteran Administration Hospital Medical Benefits
- Research Veterans Burial and Memorial Benefits
- Search the Veterans Grave Site Locator

The Kit Carson County Veteran Service Officer is provided by Kit Carson County and The Colorado Division of Veteran Affairs to assist Colorado Veterans in obtaining veterans benefits provided by the State of Colorado and the Federal Government. The Kit Carson County Veteran Service Office is not a part of the United States Government Department of Veterans Affairs.
Attention re-married Veterans - If you are re-married due to the death of your spouse or are divorced please remember to change the name of the beneficiary listed on your Servicemen's Group Life Insurance policy or any other insurance policy or inheritance that you may desire to pass on to your current wife. Now is the time to check this very important fact.
Attention Surviving Spouses of Vietnam Veterans who served in-country during the Vietnam War - If your spouse died as a result of Diabetes Type II or from medical complications due to Diabetes Type II and you have not re-married or are not married now you may be eligible for VA benefits. For more information about how to apply for these benefits contact the Kit Carson County Veterans Service Officer.
Is your spouse a Vietnam Veteran? Did your spouse serve in-country? If your spouse (for that matter relative, friend, etc.) is alive and has been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes encourage your spouse to apply for VA compensation and medical benefits by calling the number listed above.
Attention Korean War Veterans - It is now legal for Korean War Veterans to wear the medal issued by South Korea to U.S. Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen. Because at the time it was not legal to wear the medal many U.S. Servicemen did not receive it. If you served in the territory of Korea during the war (June 25th, 1950 – July 27th, 1953) and you would like to receive the medal contact your local Congressman.