Abbey Mullis
Office Phone: (719) 346-8946 ext. 197 Office Fax: (719) 346-6017
1650 Donelan Ave Suite 102, Burlington, CO 80807
Office Hours Mon-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Abbey Mullis, Assessor
Lana Mireles, Clerk
Jordyne Reed, Clerk
Alex Navarro, Clerk

Welcome to the Kit Carson County Assessor Website
The Kit Carson County Assessor's Office staff strives to provide the most current and accurate information possible. The County Assessor is a constitutional officer, elected for a four-year term. The Assessor's Office discovers, lists, and values all real and taxable personal property located in the county. In addition, this office prepares the tax roll, transfers ownership of property, prepares the abstract of assessment and certifies values to all levying bodies in the county.
County Assessor's GIS Website and Property Record Search
Property data, maps, photos, tax districts, voting districts and more... LINK HERE County Ownership plat maps are available for sale through Hendricks Realty (719) 346-7187 in Burlington; Smith Map Company (888) 765-4614 in Flagler; Colorado Land Investments in Burlington (719) 346-8661; or Western Cartographers (800) 752-3402.

Kit Carson County TAX MAP
Kit Carson County Sales: Sales are updated on a monthly basis: To be added to our Distribution list (full excel spread sheet) please contact the Assessors office
Email the Assessor’s Office to request Sales files in Excel format or to be added to the monthly mailing list POC
Change of Address
Senior Exemption Application and Disabled Veteran Exemption Forms
Click Here to be directed to the CDOLA web page. Scroll down to the Seniors and Disabled Veteran's section