Request for Release of Deed of Trust with Production
How to fill out the request for release form to submit to the Public Trustee
- Mark if the Request is a FULL or PARTIAL Release.
- Enter the current date.
- The Grantor, Beneficiary and Deed of Trust dates and recording information must match exactly what is on the Deed of Trust.
- Enter the current address as requested or check the box if the current address is unknown.
- Fill in the county that will be Releasing the Deed of Trust.
- If this is a Partial Release, the legal description of what is being released must be entered in the space provided. If more space is needed, make the legal description a second page.
- The name and address of the Current Owner and Holder of the Indebtedness (Note) that is secured by the Deed of Trust being Released.
- Name, Title and address of the officer of the Current Owner and Holder of the Indebtedness. (This is the person(s) that will be signing the Request for Release form.
- Signature of person(s) listed above.
- Above signatures must be notarized. The notary must fill in the information underneath the signatures, sign and affix their seal.
Send the form with the following:
- Check for $43.00 (for a one-page release) payable to Kit Carson County Public Trustee. If you need to add an additional page for the legal description it will cost an additional $5 per page.
- The Original Note marked paid in full
- This must be the original document. If unable to locate the original note, you will need
- to obtain a “Lost Instruments Bond” from an insurance company and must use the Request for Release of Deed of Trust without Production form.
- A valid, legible copy or the original recorded Deed of Trust to the Public Trustee in the county the Deed of Trust was recorded.
- The document return information must be filled out and remain inside the box.
- Please send postage paid, self-addressed envelope to whomever you wish the recorded document and all other paperwork returned.
Request for Release of Deed of Trust without Production
To use this form the owner of the indebtedness must be one of the following entities specified in 38-39-102 (3):
- a qualified holder of the evidence of debt;
- a holder of the evidence of debt submitting a corporate surety bond in lieu of the original evidence of debt; or
- a title insurance company licensed and qualified in Colorado.
How to fill out the request for release form to submit to the Public Trustee:
- Mark if the Request is a FULL or PARTIAL Release.
- Enter the current date.
- The Grantor, Beneficiary and Deed of Trust dates and recording information must match exactly what is on the Deed of Trust.
- Enter the current address as requested or check the box if the current address is unknown.
- Fill in the county that will be Releasing the Deed of Trust.
- If this is a Partial Release, the legal description of what is being released must be entered in the space provided. If more space is needed, make the legal description a second page.
- The name and address of the Current Owner and Holder of the Indebtedness (Note) that is secured by the Deed of Trust being Released.
- Name, Title and address of the officer of the Current Owner and Holder of the Indebtedness.
- (This is the person(s) that will be signing the Request for Release form.
- Signature of person(s) listed above.
- Above signatures must be notarized. The notary must fill in the information underneath the signatures, sign and affix their seal.
Send the form with the following:
- Check for $43.00 (for a one-page release) payable to Kit Carson County Public Trustee. If you need to add an additional page for the legal description it will cost an additional $5 per page.
- A valid, legible copy or the original recorded Deed of Trust to the Public Trustee in the county the Deed of Trust was recorded.
- The document return information must be filled out and remain inside the box.
Send the WITHOUT Production form electronically via Simplifile or mail to the Kit Carson County Public Trustee:
Kit Carson County Public Trustee
1650 Donelan Ave. Ste., 204
PO Box 396
Burlington, CO 80807