Treasurer/Public Trustee

Treasurer/Public Trustee
Pam Mills

Kit Carson County Treasurer's Office
1650 Donelan Avenue, Suite 204
Burlington, CO 80807
Office Phone: (719) 346-8434 ext.196  Office Fax: (719) 346-5238
Pam.Mills@kitcarsoncounty.org  M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm


CO/Deputy Treasurer





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The Colorado Legislature and Governor Polis recently enacted changes to laws to accommodate property tax relief, which will delay Colorado counties certifying their tax roll. The new tax roll deadline is January 24, 2024, which is two weeks later than previous years.   This new deadline allows taxing authorities sufficient time to certify their mill levies and give county assessors more time to compile newly required data, which subsequently delays the tax roll certification.
The changes do not alter the first-half payment due date for property taxes which is February 29, 2024, due to the 2024 Leap Year. The Colorado Legislature did not adjust this first half deadline, at the request of special districts like fire departments, school districts, health districts, hospitals, and other public entities.  These districts needed to ensure that they  would receive early spring tax revenues from County Treasurers on the same schedule as previous years, in order to have  sufficient revenue to continue to operate. Once the tax roll process is complete property owners will receive their statements which takes about two weeks by mail. Property owners can also sign up for E-notices which saves time, postage and paper


If you have not received a tax notice for you 2022 Mobile Home Taxes, it is due to the State of Colorado HB22-1223 Concerning property taxation of mobile homes. This bill creates a property tax exemption for mobile homes, including manufactured homes, with an actual value of $28,000 or less. 


The County Treasurer, is responsible for the collection and distribution of property taxes to the taxing authorities (school districts, cities/towns, the county and special districts). Other duties of the Treasurer include receiving monies from the other county departments, maintaining correct and proper accounting of all monies and investing the County’s financial resources.